Scantron understands what it takes to successfully launch and maintain a quality credentialing program.

As such, we provide assessment tools, examination design, development, and delivery services to certification and licensure bodies, government agencies, corporations, educational institutions, and trade and professional associations. Our mission is to provide you with a reliable, secure, and convenient testing experience. We allow your stakeholders to excel in their profession through the development of competency-based testing, training, and high-stakes certification programs.

We also offer a wide range of learning solutions services driven by our customers’ needs.

One solution for which demand continues to grow is our assessment-based certificate programs. Utilizing a custom designed Assessment-Based Certificate (ABC) Program provides instruction, training, and assessment that evaluates a person’s mastery of learning outcomes. This allows you to effectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of your personnel.

Scantron develops a personalized set of assessment tools for our customers using a scientific approach that applies our expertise in psychometrics and industrial design.

These tailored assessment solutions immerse learners in the challenges they will encounter on the job and provide your organization with the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of their training and development efforts at the macro level as well as the individual learner level.
