Assessing the mental health of potential candidates has become an important practice within the public sector. When the House of Representatives passed the Medical Evaluation Parity for Service Members Act in 2015, the use of screening assessments became widespread, resulting in an enormous amount of data to be collected and entered.

Instead of relying on the tedious task of data entry, organizations within the public sector began turning to automated data collection to streamline their processes. This has been extremely effective for organizations that collect data from:

  • Psychological assessments
  • Behavioral surveys
  • Nutritional and health surveys
  • Cognitive testing
  • Background screenings

With broader use of these assessments, and the technology available to efficiently gather and analyze the data, an automated data collection solution may be worth a closer look within your own organization.

Automated data collection may be a good fit if:

  • You are dealing with a large volume of data
  • You need the ability to completely customize your assessments
  • You do not have the resources to manually enter the data
  • You are looking for ways to reduce operating costs
  • After you capture the form data, you have further processing that’s currently done manually

Keep in mind that there’s no need to migrate all of your forms at once. Consider starting with the data that requires the most processing as a way to see the efficiencies that can be created by automated capture. The technology associated with data automation means streamlined processing, enhanced data organization, and easier access for stakeholders.

If you’re ready to examine how data automation can benefit your organization, Scantron offers customizable solutions to meet your needs.