Presented by Rick Wynne, Pre-Sales Engineer and Craig Russell, Account Executive, Scantron

Using Behavior-Based Safety systems combined with a readiness to evolve the culture can lead to amazing, measurable success and a more productive workforce. Done right, BBS drives change through adaptability and data; it’s not just another stick to beat employees and contractors. Good tools and systems don’t just plug in, they assist you with fostering a culture of safety and encouraging adoption for a positive feedback loop.

Join Scantron’s Rick Wynne and Craig Russell for a webinar on Scantron safety solutions that have helped raise BBS programs from a tedious, symptom-focused fad to a passionately supported practice of fostering safety and advising management.

Learn how, through a human-focused view of safety culture, dedicated safety resources, and customized BBS solutions, Scantron customers have realized millions of dollars in savings, changing processes for the better and preventing countless injuries and even loss of life. Sites with our solutions win safety awards and parent companies use them as a model for other sites nationwide. Rick and Craig discuss:

  • How to leverage flexible BBS forms and data capture for better reporting
  • How to identify leading indicators that can predict injuries before they happen
  • How customers have dramatically boosted self-accountability and employee engagement
  • Ways to measure the health of your safety program
  • Tools to better assess safety knowledge and evaluate training quality

