Technology is moving faster than ever, resulting in a wide array, and at times a dizzying amount, of technology choices. When it comes to proctoring services, Scantron has been an industry leader for many years. It’s important to ask the right questions when deciding on a proctoring services vendor. Here are some important ones to consider.

How is Live Remote Proctoring Different from Test Center Proctoring?

While Scantron is known for offering proctored testing at more than 1,300 test sites around the world, we also provide live remote proctoring services. This type of proctoring allows candidates to take tests from any location they choose at a time that is convenient for them. The candidates’ computer, screen, audio, and video are all recorded and restricted while the exam session is monitored by a live online proctor.

What is the difference between Live Remote Proctoring and Standard Remote Proctoring?

This is important to understand as most remote proctoring simply records an exam session for review after the test is completed, while live remote proctoring dedicates a live proctor to monitor and record the candidate in real-time. Live remote proctoring allows authentication of a candidates’ identity and the ability to end a testing event at any time if irregular behavior is detected.

Why and how is validating a candidate’s identity important?

Validating identities is critically important to ensure the integrity of your testing is held to the highest standards. Proctors use the webcam to view and record approved photo identifications of candidates and verify that the candidate and the photo on the ID match.